Ogueri Chuks Ebirim (PhD), Obubeleye Wealth Bako


This study investigated sales management and profitability in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted the survey research design, in which five chosen sales organizations were studied. The population of the study was 150, and the sample size was calculated to be 119 using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) formula. 108 questionnaires were returned by the respondents. Structured questionnaires and oral interview guide were the research instruments used for the study. Data collected were presented using chosen descriptive statistics in respect of the dependent and independent variables. Mean of 2.50 and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. The major findings of the study were: that employee commitment had significant effect on customer relationship and sales growth in sales organizations in Rivers state. Sales managers’ effectiveness positively affected cost and revenue efficiency in sales organizations in Rivers State. The study concluded that customer relationship were used to achieve sales growth in sales organizations; effective sales managers were used to achieve vibrant sales force in sales organizations and that the company size determined the roles of sales management and profitability in Rivers state. Based on the findings, the study recommended that there was need for the effective communication between the sales force and the customers so that there would be enhanced sales growth; sales organizations should have high performing sales managers who should help the organization to actualize its goals and objectives, friendly and knowledgeable employees should be employed in a conducive and safe atmosphere and the assessment of the company’s profitability should be measured through the return of assets


Communication, Costs, Customer, Effectiveness, Sales force, Sales management, Profitability, Sales Growth.

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