Bernice Ngoba Abiola Adiele, Charles C. Mezie-Okoye (PhD)


This investigation looked at the significance of fundamental human rights in curbing almajiri system of education. The specific objectives cover the role of western education in curbing almajiri system of education; right to livelihood and the child rights act. The study was anchored on Pierre Bourdieu's cultural theory and the theory of social reproduction. The study concluded that the Modern Almajiri system is a gross form of child abuse and exploitation. No society can flourish in terms of socio-economic growth and development while its future generation is illiterate, unhealthy, exposed to all manner of social ills and abused. In line with the conclusion, the study recommends amongst others that; effort should be made to the establishment of skills acquisition centres across the northern region; governors from northern Nigeria should enforce free and compulsory basic and secondary education in their various states and that government, at all levels, including relevant stakeholders should come up with the necessary interventions and viable policies for the development of the Almajiri schools.


Role, Fundamental Human Rights, Solution, Almajiri System of Education.

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