Tope Israel Ibiwoye, David Adeniyi Adewoyin


The use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) has become imperative to printers in Ibadan metropolis. Global digital revolution has instigated developing countries to see to the need to structure their economic systems to efficiently implement recent technology developments. With the advent of computer technology, Nigerian printers have stepped-up their operations through the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) applications in order to make printing technology and operations in Nigeria meet the current expectations of printers and clients. This paper examines the impact of digital technologies on printing practice in Nigeria through the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) application. A survey was carried out on printers and graphic designers constituting 48 respondents in Ibadan metropolis. It was discovered from the analysis of the harvested data that 72.92% of the total population of Printers and Graphic Designers do not have formal education in graphic design and a larger percentage of the professionally unqualified designers/printers makes use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) application. The study concludes that most of the graphic designers and printers who had no formal education make use of the CADs for their printing activities. However, the abilities of the graphic designers/printers to infuse the principle of design in their work was not within the scope of the study


Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Digital Technology, Printing, Graphic Designer/Printers.

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ISSN (PRINT):    2682 - 6135

ISSN (ONLINE): 2682 - 6127





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