Panwal Ephraim Fomyol


The study focused to examine the utilization of agro- information among maize farmers in the study area. Purposive and random sampling techniques were adopted to choose the wards and the sample size of one hundred and twenty five (125) respondents. Primary data was used for the study using a well-structured questionnaires in which information were solicited on; socio-economic variables, sources of agro-information, mode of acquiring and factors affecting information. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression model. The results showed that; revealed that 42.4%of maize producers were within the age bracket of 26-45 years ,and  (31.2%) fall, within 36-45 age range, with a mean age of 35.296 and were active. Majority of the respondents (78.4%) were male and (64.8%) were married. Furthermore 40% of the maize producers that obtain their information through formal source are from extension agents and 21.6% of the respondent that get their information from informal source are from friends.


Agro-information, utilization, maize, farmers, Kashere community

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